车牌识别技术特点 |
添加时间:2020/9/5 14:01:30 浏览次数: |
车牌识别技术是现代智能交通系统重要组成部分,其应用十分广泛。它以计算机视觉处理、数字图像处理、模式识别等技术为基础,对摄像机所拍摄的车辆图像或者视频图像进行处理分析,得到每辆车的车牌号码,从而完成识别过程。通过一些后续处理技术其可以实现停车场出入口收费管理、盗抢车辆管理、高速公路超速自动化管理、闯红灯电子警察、公路收费管理等等功能。对于维护交通安全和城市治安,防止交通堵塞,实现交通全自动化管理有着现实的意义。 License plate recognition technology is an important part of modern intelligent transportation system, which is widely used. Based on computer vision processing, digital image processing, pattern recognition and other technologies, it processes and analyzes the vehicle image or video image captured by the camera, and obtains the license plate number of each vehicle, so as to complete the recognition process. Through some follow-up processing technology, it can realize the functions of parking lot entrance and exit charging management, stealing and robbing vehicle management, highway speeding automatic management, red light running electronic police, highway toll management and so on. It has practical significance for maintaining traffic safety and urban public order, preventing traffic jam and realizing traffic automatic management. 我国标准汽车牌照是由汉字、英文字母和阿拉伯数字组成,汉字识别与字母和数字的识别有很大的区别,汉字的识别增加了识别的难度; China's standard license plate is composed of Chinese characters, English letters and Arabic numerals. There is a big difference between Chinese character recognition and letter and number recognition. The recognition of Chinese characters increases the difficulty of recognition; 我国汽车车牌的悬挂位置不统一; The suspension position of vehicle license plate in China is not uniform; 其他国家的汽车牌照格式(如汽车牌照的尺寸大小,牌照上字符的排列等)通常只有一种,而我国则根据不同车辆、车型、用途规定了多种牌照格式,分为普通车轿车、使馆车、警车、军车等,并且通常汽车牌照中也分大车和小车; In other countries, there is usually only one license plate format (such as the size of the license plate, the arrangement of characters on the license plate, etc.), while in China, according to different vehicles, models and uses, there are various license plate formats, which are divided into ordinary car, embassy car, police car, military vehicle, etc., and the car license plate is usually divided into big car and small car; 我国汽车牌照的底色和字符颜色有多种组合,我们日常生活中常见的有蓝底白字车牌、黄底黑字车牌、以及白底黑字车牌等等。 There are many combinations of background color and character color of automobile license plate in our country. In our daily life, the common license plates with white characters on blue background, black characters on yellow background, and license plates with black characters on white background, etc. |
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