电动伸缩门轨道类型 |
添加时间:2019/6/11 14:46:59 浏览次数: |
电动伸缩门轨道类型 Track Type of Electric Telescopic Door 在早期,电动门一般采用三角钢双轨, In the early days, electric doors generally used triangular steel double rails. 电动伸缩门电动伸缩门 Electric telescopic door 其施工难度大,路面要求高。随着技术的不断更新,双轨已经被淘汰。 It is difficult to construct and requires high pavement. With the continuous renewal of technology, dual-track has been eliminated. 市面上主流的轨道模式是单轨和无轨两种。单轨就是在路面用膨胀螺栓固定一根实心方钢或轻轨(轻轨铺设要求较高,但使用寿命较长,采用较多),以此来进行电动门的导向和抗风;无轨就是在路面铺设隐藏式磁铁,门体在运行过程中根据底部的感应系统来自动导航。 The main track modes on the market are monorail and trackless. Monorail is to fix a solid square steel or light rail with expansion bolt on the road surface (light rail laying requires higher, but has longer service life and more use), so as to guide and resist wind of electric door; trackless is to lay hidden magnet on the road surface, and the door body can automatically navigate according to the induction system at the bottom during the operation. |
上一页 伸缩门使用范围 |
下一页 电动伸缩门结构特点 |